
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

It’s been a rough first month of campaigning for Bernie Sanders

 In Sanders’ first month:

Also see the below related article.

·         He sidedwith the brutal socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro and refused to call him a dictator.

·         It was revealed that back in the 1970s, he called for government control of major industries.

·         He confirmed his government run healthcare proposal would eliminate private insurance plans.

·         His staff wants him to be less grumpy.

·         Two of his top staffers have already left his campaign citing creative differences.

·         Struggles still remain for him in South Carolina, with one Democrat saying Sanders is too extreme for South Carolina and doing “greater damage to the party overall.”

·         Despite winning the state in 2016, New Hampshire voters and activists are hesitant to support him again.

·         He was unableto point to specific legislation that he passed to help black people (His 2016 struggle with black voters still exists.)

·         His press secretary pushed anti-Semitic tropes and it was revealed that two of his top advisers have deep ties to the anti-Israel community.

·         He refused to guarantee that America would NOT become a socialist country if elected.

·         He had to apologizefor allegations of sexual harassment during his 2016 campaign.

·         Old videos resurfaced where he praised Cuban Communist Dictator Fidel Castro and Nicaraguan Dictator Daniel Ortega.

·         He lost his fundraising crown to a younger socialist.

·         And he defendedthe $93 trillion “Green New Deal” saying “you cannot go too far on the issue.”

Bottom Line: Bernie’s rough first month has driven home that he is a crazy socialist who supports a radical policy agenda.

Complied by the RNC.


Bernie Sanders gets stitches after cutting head on shower door

By Jane C. Timm | NBC News

Bernie Sanders speaks at a health care roundtable in South Carolina on March 15, 2019.

2020 campaign is leaving its mark — on Bernie Sanders' head.

The Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont independent senator cut his head on the edge of a shower door, his campaign said on Friday, and visited a walk-in clinic as a "precaution."

"The senator has proceeded with all of his scheduled events," the campaign said in a statement.

Sanders, who was a Democratic contender in 2016 before running again for the 2020 nomination, is 77.

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