
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Michael Cohen has been disbarred

By Emily Saul | New York Post

President Trump’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen has been disbarred, The Post has learned.

The decision, which follows his felony conviction for lying under oath, was announced in documents filed Tuesday by Manhattan’s Appellate Division, First Department and the Attorney Grievance Committee.

Cohen, who Tuesday began his marathon three days of testimony on Capitol Hill against Trump, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The decision applies only to New York State, the only place where he was admitted to the Bar. He was first admitted in 1992.

It appears the ruling was not scheduled for dissemination until Thursday, Feb. 28, which is the date they are stamped.

The Attorney Grievance Committee moved to strike Cohen’s name from the roll of attorneys following his August 2018 guilty plea to charges of making false statements, tax evasion of and campaign finance violation, per the docs.

The committee again requested in December his name be stricken following his second conviction on charges of making false statements to the U.S. Congress.

“[Cohen] served on several matters as an attorney to President Trump, when the latter was CEO of the Trump Organization. Respondent was charged in connection with his appearances before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,” the papers read.

“Specifically, it was alleged, and respondent expressly admitted at his plea, that on or about August 28, 2017, he knowingly and willfully made a materially false and fraudulent statement and representation, namely, he caused to be submitted a written statement to SSCI containing material false statements.”

The documents go on to detail that Cohen falsely testified about “(1) The Moscow Project a) proposed Trump Organization real estate project in Moscow, Russia, (2) discussions with people in the Trump Organization and in Russia about the Moscow Project, and (3) contemplated travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow Project.”

While lawyers are automatically no longer able to practice law following felony convictions, Cohen’s name remained in the New York city rolls until Tuesday.
Cohen is scheduled to report to prison on May 6 to begin serving out his three-year sentence.

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