President Trump has unleashed a series of tweets on illegal immigration and the Southern border. Here they are:
This isn’t about the Wall, everybody knows that a Wall will work perfectly (In Israel the Wall works 99.9%). This is only about the Dems not letting Donald Trump & the Republicans have a win. They may have the 10 Senate votes, but we have the issue, Border Security. 2020!
We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!
....The United States looses soooo much money on Trade with Mexico under NAFTA, over 75 Billion Dollars a year (not including Drug Money which would be many times that amount), that I would consider closing the Southern Border a “profit making operation.” We build a Wall or.....
.....close the Southern Border. Bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs. Go back to pre-NAFTA, before so many of our companies and jobs were so foolishly sent to Mexico. Either we build (finish) the Wall or we close the Border......
.....Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries - taking advantage of U.S. for years!
Trump is right. Our immigration laws are ridiculous, in that they are not rationally designed to serve the interests of American citizens. I think most voters understand this.
Trump is correct. The “caravans” that have besieged our southern border in a direct attack on our nation’s sovereignty exist with the aid and sufferance of the governments of Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico, as well as leftists of various stripes. We should defend American interests by retaliating against those governments. Enough is enough.
Trump is correct: illegal immigration into the U.S. is facilitated and encouraged by the Mexican government, because Mexico’s economy benefits greatly from money sent back to Mexico by Mexicans working illegally in the U.S.
Meanwhile, Mexico has tight controls on its own borders.